Saturday, January 26, 2008

Was Josh ever this litte??

Noah (left) and Jonah (right)

Was Josh ever this little??? I know he is only 9 months old now but I don't remember him being this little. Maybe it was the shock of being a new mother with only a day and a half notice or that I really love the stage he is at now, I don't know. But time sure has flown since he has been in our lives.

The twins are doing great and they are the only set of twins born at the hospital within the last several days that are Not in the NICU from what we have heard. Heather and the babies will be going home either tomm. night or Monday.


Scott and Becky said...

How great! I can't believe they will be going home so soon! How big was Josh when he was born?

Sue said...

Look at those pouty lips. Just adorable! Glad to hear they are doing so well!!!

terilynnh2000 said...

Sooooo sooooo sooooo PERFECT! Are they identical?

Colette said...

They are so cute! I know...I think it was a total blurr for me too with Julian! Glad to hear everyone is doing great!

Wondering when you will find us said...

They are so adorable! Hope mom is feeling better!